Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Would a sage be considered a sort of clergyman?

Well now, to me a sage is a wise and sometimes older person. Then you expanded it to the arcane and occult, which makes me think of wizards. One may be sage without thinking one is a wizard.

Being a clergyman does not preclude one being a sage, although it is a first step, but I would think that most clergy men would be insulted if accused of dabbling in the arcane or occult, although, of course, they do.

What is religion, but a hopeless belief in magic?

Would a sage be considered a sort of clergyman?
i have to chuckle at some of these(Q's);

Anyone or everyone knows that a recent,

possibly still the philosophical Sage is/was

ludwig wittgenstein:Could he be concidered

a clergyman? i would only guess so,although i think that would be dangerous

if anyone here did that-i mean, a

philosopher who was a teacher of poor souls as well as their religious instructor?

In the "olden days", at the very start of our

(very imperfect) mass darwinian education

(!)i think it was highly probable,given that

the children selected had to learn the "code".

Perhaps its still the case.
Reply:Yes, in a way because it's like the sage's fulltime job is to seek wisdom and share it with others just like the clergyman (does seek understanding of a particular subject and shares it). Both have lives devoted to their cause in a full time basis though no particular work hours are imposed. But the similaries end there really.
Reply:Maybe.....not all clergy are sages nor are all sages clergy....but some clergy are sages and some sages are clergy.
Reply:No! He would be concidered a wise man or Shaman in some cultures, But in a Cristian culture he would be concidered a Witch/Warlock and burned at the stake.
Reply:Not necessarily. A Sage is somone that is extremely wise.

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