Saturday, November 14, 2009

Potted variegated Sage plant has curl in leaves.?

Just purchased a sage plant from the grocery store. Soil was dry, so I gave it a good watering. The leaves are not wilted but a slight curl at the edges. What should I do to make it grow properly ? I've had the plant for 2 days and has started this curl now. I put gravel in the dish under the pot , so it's not sitting in water.

Potted variegated Sage plant has curl in leaves.?
keep watering it everyday. i did have mine by the sink so I just pulled the sprayer over to it in the morning and evening. I got tired of doing this and had other herbs, so i bought a large pot and good soil and put all my herbs in it as a small herb garden... now i only have to water every other day... as long as i keep it in the house. if it continues like this, it could be any number of things... they may have recently transplanted it and it right before you bought it, or it could be "rootbound" and its poor little roots may be squashed and it may need transplanting to a bigger pot. i prefer getting my plants from a plant nursery, they have constant care there and probably haven't been sitting in a truck somewhere for gosh knows how long without water etc. plus, they are usually cheaper there too. A fun indoor herb is rosemary, very drought tolerant and grows and grows and is very tasty to take some petals off and throw in a slow cooked roast! hope this helped.

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