Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is the importance of salt and sage?

I have seen people use this alot. What does it mean, especially salt, what's in it that serves the purpose for what people use it for such as getting rid of enemies or bad spirits.

What is the importance of salt and sage?
I use it a form of protection against ghost and people who are demonic in actions. If you use this pray(23rd psalm) over it and keep it fresh each day.Burn sage to keep demons and evil spirits away with prayer. Salt to repel evil and keep you/your house pour is either worn on you or pour around your house as a barrier. I mix the two together and wear it in my pocket.
Reply:Like you throw it over your left shoulder to poke your enemies eyes?

I don't know...I bless my house with rosemary and cinnamon.
Reply:sage is more commonly thought of as a culinary herb, it is also has medicinal and cosmetic uses. Sage tea is purported to have antiseptic qualities good for sore throats, aid in digestion, and may boost insulin action (of course discuss this with your doctor if you have diabetes). It probably tastes better, though, if mixed with peppermint. To make a tea, pour a cup of boiling water over one to two teaspoons of dried leaves and steep for ten minutes. Because sage has a fairly high concentration of an oil that may harm the liver in high doses, it should not be taken internally on a continuous basis for more than a week or two, and should also be avoided by epileptics and pregnant women.

A poultice of sage leaves mixed with saliva supposedly provides relief from the itching and swelling of insect bites, a strong infusion can be used to darken gray hair, it is frequently mentioned as an antiperspirant, and it has been reported to relieve a plethora of other ills, such as diarrhea, coughs and colds, snake-bite, and for wart removal.

salt purification, get rid of evil spirits and negative energy. GOOD LUCK
Reply:go to

But I also heard that if we use less salt we can have better skin but it is very unhealthy to our body/
Reply:Purification and expelling negative energies.
Reply:They are both purifying in purpose. With Salt you can place a new crystal in it over night and it supposedly will remove the negative energy/ vibrations that are stored in the crystal.

The sage is also used for purifying and you would use it to smudge the place you wish to purify. Plus it leaves a nice fresh scent as a little added bonus.
Reply:salt and sage are natural purifiers.

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